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CLIENT ALERT July 18, 2022 Certain COVID-19 Rules are Extended

Miyares and Harrington, LLP

On Saturday, the Governor signed Ch. 186 of the Acts of 2022. It is in effect immediately as an emergency provision. The following changes are of importance for municipal operations:

Remote Meetings Extended – The authority to hold public meetings without providing physical access is extended to March 31, 2023. Adequate, alternative means of public access and participation must be provided. All members of the public body may attend remotely. All votes must be by roll call, recorded as such in the meeting minutes, and all attendees must be able to hear one another.

Rules for Notaries Public Extended – Notaries public may continue to perform an acknowledgement, affirmation, or other notarial act using video conferencing in real time until March 31, 2023.

Reduction of Quorum for Any Town Meeting Extended – The Select Board and the Moderator may reduce the quorum for any Town Meeting up until March 31, 2023.

Remote Town Meetings Extended – The Moderator of a town having a representative form of Town Meeting may request that the Select Board call for Town Meeting to be held remotely until March 31, 2023.

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