The Cannabis Control Commission issued as part of its packet for its January 11, 2024, meeting, a model Host Community Agreement. The intent is that the model will be a “plug and play” type agreement, in which only a few basic names and terms need to be inserted and the agreement will be complete. Use of the model will carry the presumption that the executed agreement complies with the cannabis statute and regulations but is not required. The parties may use it as a template and modify it and can even use it as an interim agreement if the parties are concerned that the current agreement is not in compliance with the law.
Speaking of cannabis, our September 2023 newsletter summarized the recent amendments to the regulations. DLS has an excellent overview in Q&A format in BUL-2023-9, Recent Regulations, issued in December. The bulletin contains specific, real-world examples of how the changes may affect communities with existing Host Community Agreements and cannabis businesses.
