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January 2022 News & Events

Miyares and Harrington, LLP

Updated: Feb 25, 2022

Hello 2022! While circumstances prevent us from greeting you at this year’s cancelled MMA Annual Conference, Donna Brewer will be presenting with Newton’s Assistant City Solicitor Maura O’Keefe the Association’s annual summary of updates on municipal law via Webcast on January 31 at noon. The Webcast is free. The municipal law update is always a highlight of the MMA Conference, and we know you’ll find this presentation as lively and informative as always.

In addition, Donna will be a panelist for a free Webinar on the new statute (M.G.L. c.40A, §3A) regarding MBTA Community Zoning, a statute that has generated a lot of questions. The Webinar will be on February 16th at noon. You must preregister.

We are pleased to welcome the Town of Lancaster as a client! Ivria Fried and Alexandra Rubin look forward to leading our team in providing wisdom and counsel to the Town’s dedicated officials and staff.


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