Happy New Year to you all. 2025 is already chockful of important municipal law developments, among them success for our labor attorneys. We congratulate Chris Brown and Andrew Bettinelli for their successful defense of the City of Westfield in a labor grievance arbitration before the Department of Labor Relations. The arbitration concerned the termination of a police officer and involved an extensive evidentiary record. After three days of hearings and the submission of post-hearing briefs, the DLR Arbitrator upheld the decision of the City, finding that there was just cause to terminate the officer.
We look forward to seeing you all in person at the Massachusetts Municipal Association’s annual conference on January 23 and 24 at its new location, the Boston Convention & Exposition Center. We are at Booth 1021, come say hello and collect some excellent HH swag! Ivria Fried, the President of the Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association, will lead the discussion of the update on municipal law taking place at 2:15 on Friday, January 24th. This is always an informative discussion, so we urge you to attend.
