April, the month that wasn’t.
It may be spring but it seems more akin to Groundhog Day. Nevertheless, news springs year-round, so let’s get to non-COVID-19 developments of interest in this April edition of the Miyares and Harrington LLP newsletter. You can continue to stay up-to-date with COVID-19 guidance by reviewing the Client Alerts on our website or by signing up for the Client Alerts.
Congratulations to Rebekah Lacey, elected as the President of the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions. Rebekah has extensive experience with all wetlands, stormwater, and public water supply issues, and the MACC will be well-served by her expertise and dedication to the field.
Congratulations as well to Katie Stock. Katie has accepted an invitation to serve on the board of directors of the Environmental Leadership Program, a national non-profit that trains and supports emerging leaders seeking solutions for a just and sustainable future. This honor recognizes Katie’s significant experience in the environmental field and her commitment to encourage others to develop social justice and climate solutions.
Finally, kudos to Alexandra Rubin, who presented to the Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association weekly conference call on COVID-19 issues on April 22, 2020. Alex advised the participants on the legal requirements and constraints on isolation and quarantine.